Friday, April 23, 2010

hopefully the problem is solved


Monday, April 12, 2010

My knee injury

Today finally came when I was able to find out exactly what is causing my pain. It is the torn Meniscus as the doctor suspected but he is going to do a scope on it April 20th, a week from tomorrow. I am so glad that he supports my wanting to get more walking in for the Camino so he pushing my surgery up as much as he could.
Said I will be on crutches for 3 or 4 days and then can do PT and soon after start walking again! Yea!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Still waiting

It is 3:11 pm on Sunday afternoon and I am very impatient for tomorrow to come so I can see what my doctor says about my knee. I keep going to the web to read about injuries to meniscus but just need to wait until tomorrow. The weather is so wonderful and I want to get out and walk but am staying put.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Slight Setback

I have a setback for my training. I stumbled across a root on the trail while in New Zealand and when I fell I twisted my knee. Not too bad so did not make an issue of it but after I got home the pain got worse and worse. Walked my usual walk up the mountain, with my full backpack, on Tuesday and was in such paid I was not sure I could get home. Called my doctor at home that night and went to his office at 7:00am the next day. Had an x-ray and he said that according to his exam I had a torn/injured meniscus and according to what the MRI showed he might have to do a scope on it. I will find out Monday. Have been living on Advil and ice packs. He knows that I have this Camino coming up and said that I would still be able to do it.
Am anxious for Monday to get here so I can see what I have in store for me. This doctor is an orthopedic surgeon and is the team doctor for the Rome Braves bassball team as well as for a local high school's football team so he knows knee injuries very well and I trust him. He and his wife are going with me and my group to do a hike in Iceland in June and he said I would be able to do that too.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Back to training

After taking off 6 weeks due to my trips and bad weather, I am back in training. Walked yesterday with my backbpack up to the Cotswolds, a mountain neighborhood behind my house here in Highands. I only carried 10 pounds in this old backpack and when I get home today I am going to adjust the one I will be using on the Camino so that I do not have much more than that 10 pounds. I have been training with 18-20 and that is too much. Will do the same walk this morning and then go back to Rome.
Will do my long walk out at Berry tomorrow.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Why My Camino?

I am a 66 year old woman who lives in Georgia. I have owned an adventure travel company, Southern Treks Adventure Travel, for 20 years and take walkers to 12 countries plus Alaska and Oregon.

In September 2008 I took a group of 10 walkers to Spain to do the last 100 miles of the Camino de Santiago or The Way of Saint James. I had heard of this trek from a young Catholic priest who had done it and it had intrigued me so I began research and soon began to work with Fresco Tours to set this up. I had 6 Catholics and 4 Protestants and when I began it I had NO idea that it would affect me so. I did it strictly as one of my business trips but within a few days the spirit of the trail began to affect me and before that 100 miles was over I decided that one day I would come back and do the whole thing and in August of this year, 2010, I will begin my personal Camino across Spain.

This time I will be doing it by myself but I will not be alone as millions have done this path in the past 1250 years and millions will continue to do so. I will begin in the French Pyrenees and go all the way across the northern part of Spain. According to Church history the Apostle James preached in Spain and after his death his bones were taken by boat to Spain and buried. Hundred of years later they were interred in the Cathedral at Santiago. It used to be that only Catholics did this pilgrimage but now all sorts of people and all sorts of faiths and some with no faith walk this path.

I plan to blog my training for this in the hope that it will show that my efforts will pay off!