Monday, May 30, 2011

Wanting to get back on the Camino again!

Hello friends,

I noticed that it has been nearly 6 months since I posted on this blog and some things have changed and some have not. I looked at my last blog and it stated that I never had a day go by that I did not think of my Camino and that is still true. And then I read that I had the Camino Addiction and that is still true but I also said that I would never go back and do the whole thing again and that is not true! In addition to taking a small group to do the last 100 miles in October I am now planning on doing the whole thing again beginning the middle of September 2012. I would love to do it in the spring but my only daughter, Paige, will be graduated from nursing school in May and I do not want to take a chance on missing that. Plus, it should be cooler when I start the middle of September as it will be 3 weeks later and hopefully some of the extreme heat will be gone.

I have put together a wonderful Power Point program ( I think it is wonderful) with music and I have been showing it to several different churches including Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal and have been invited to present it to our local Jewish synagoge! Now, that is the power of the Camino. The only problems I have is that almost as soon as the music comes on I begin to cry. Have done it every single time but I am getting better! But I still cannot share a wonderful experience I had on the trail as I think it is a miracle and do not want anyone to laugh at it or put it down. So, I seldom share it, even with friends. It is too precious but to those of you who faithfully followed me last year I will be glad to tell you if you give me a call!

I am working very hard at training my group of 8 Camino 2011 pilgrims so that they will be physically, mentally and spiritually ready for this. I was not ready the first time I did the last 100 mines in 2008. I had not problem with the walking but I kind of looked on it as one of my Southern Treks trips so I missed a lot BUT I was so intrigued that I decided to go back and do the whole thing alone. And I did and boys, was I ready for that! And I will do that again although I have had 3 very dear people ask to go with me but that is out of the question. This is MY Camino, my spiritual pilgrimage and I need to do it alone. I will be going on 68 years old when I do it and am counting on my back and right knee being good! About a month after I returned in Octboer, 2010, I ruptured another disc in my back but am having no pain now. I got to physical therapy several times a week and the walking actually helps. My PT says that my back is a mess! I addition to that herniated disc I have 3 bulging discs and have already had 2 back surgeries but am good!!

I live in north Georiga and it is very hot here already. Today was 95 and tomorrow will be 97. That is not only hot but it is dangerous so I will monitor this group very carefully. I got in trouble myself one day along the Meseta when it was over 100 and I gave out of water. But we will not give out of water. Just will go slow during our 12 miles and if necessary we will cut it short. We have once chance for that at about 6 miles but that means we have to go down the dreaded "Power Line" a utiltiy swarth which goes up a mountain nearly 1,000 feet. Going up is hard but going down is torture!

I will not wait so long to post this next part. Oh, I forgot to say that I wll go with Steve's blessings again. He is amazing!

Buen Camino,


  1. Make that four people. I would love to do this with you - all of it - but I understand your desire to do it alone. MTM and I would very much like to do the whole thing ourselves someday.

    I am looking forward to visiting this blog more often now that you will be posting again and getting my little piece of Marie!!


  2. Marie, so happy to see that you have re-activated this blog and I look forward to following your posts again. Sounds like you have a great plan in place for your group in October and I certainly understand why you would want to do it alone next year, it is a spiritual walk and seems meant to be done alone.
