Monday, August 30, 2010

Greeting from Pampalona!

Today I finished the 3rd day of my pilgrimage actually standing and not thinking I was going to fall! I have really pushed myself because I have not done any walking more than 3 hours due to my surgery and my first day I did 12 hours! Yesterday was shorter and easier but still long -9 hours, Today was the shortest at 8 hours. I have decided that the more you use your legs or muscles the better they get.

It is hard to put into words my feelings on doing this pilgrimage. And it is a pilgrimage to me. The first time I did any of this, the last 100 miles back in 2008, I did not realize the spiritual part of it. I was just doing it as one of my Southern Treks trips, But about half way I realized that St. James was not only a saint of the Catholic faith but was my Lord´s own. Totally changed how I looked at it and made me determined to come back and do it totally as a pilgrimage.

I have already seen evidence of our God in so many of the people. In kindness in taking care of blisters on others to a kind word of direction when my new friend from Finland and I were on the wrong path. A man got out of his car to point us to the right road. And the miracle of seeing the cow and the horse together cleaning up the new baby calf was beyond amazing to me. I did not know how to get to my hotel today in Pampalona and a group of Germans walked me to it. Time and time again I am seeing wonders and one of the wonders I am seeing is that I am healthy and can do this. Have a long, long way to go but plan to see the field of stars over Santiago on October 2nd and then see my special star, Steve on Oct 4th! I so appreciate him keeping all of you up to date on me, You might be tired of hearing about the Camino de Santiago by the time I get home!


  1. Marie,
    I am enjoying your posts and Steves as well. I praise God that your pilgrimage continues safely and joyfully!

  2. Marie, we are all enjoying this journey. I'm so glad you're able to blog about it as you go. Andra

  3. Yes, we are praying for you every day, and love to hear!
